FM23 Basic Training

3 min readJan 29, 2023


Here my basic training for Football Manager 2023.

Player Development Factors

Injury Prone
Current Ability / Potential Ability (CA/PA)

The triangle of P.A.D (Professionalism, Ambition, Determination) is important factor for a player to reach his Potential Ability (PA). Not all players reach their Potential Ability as well, but a player with high P.A.D has a higher chance to reach it.

Injury Prone is about how likely a player to receive a bad injury during training and matches. The lower Injury Prone, the softer injuries, the less timeout for a player from training and playing matches.

Players reach Potential Ability at the age of 26 in Football Manager 2023. This has been changed from previous years, to be more realistic. From 15 years old to 26 years old, the development rate is not the same.

The difference between CA and PA is also a factor. A player with CA 100 and PA 110, it has only 10 CA points to be spend; so don’t expect miracles here. Physical Attributes consume a lot CA points, as well as training a weak foot. In each attribute, for each position; there is a weighting as shown here. Note: There is some difference in FM23 for GK weightings. Rest remain the same.

Coaches & Training Facilities

It’s pretty obvious, that higher training facilities, the better. Always ask the board to upgrade. State-of-Art is the highest level (20) you can have.

Coaching Assignments: Always have it as “Light Workload”. The bigger the squad, the bigger workload for your coaches which means less quality work. Try to have a coaching assignments like this:

x3 GK Coaches (General, Shot Stopping, Handling)
x3 Fitness Coaches (General, Quickness, Strength)
x3 Attacking Coaches (General, Tactical, Technical)
x3 Defending Coaches (General, Tactical, Technical)
x3 Possession Coaches (General, Tactical, Technical)

For “General”, I mean to assign your best Attacking Coach in both Tactical & Technical and then have two dedicated coaches for Tactical & Technical.

Youth Coaches

As shown above, try to have it like for senior. One important note here, the Youth Coaches Personalities have a direct impact of newgens, along with Head of Youth Development. Recommend Personalities:

Model Citizen
Model Professional

The effects of appointments (new HoYD, new coaches), training & youth facilities, Youth Recruitment increasing etc; need some years to kick-in. Need patience here; and not every year will have good intakes.

Working with Youngsters attribute for Youth Coaches is vital.

Intensity Level & Individual Training

Intensity Level: Normal (not automatic)

Individual Training: Players to train according to their tactic roles. No Additional Focus, since increasing intensity and individual workload which tends for more injuries.

How to Download & Store Files

DOWNLOAD to C:\Users\username\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\schedules

How to Load & Use

Training > Schedules > Select Schedule > Custom Schedules > Import Schedules > Select the file > Load > Confirm > Save (bottom right corner of skin)

You have to do it one by one. I know.

Go to Calendar and from drop down menus (for each week) choose Custom Schedules, then the proper scheme. For example Season One Match is when you have one match per week and so on.

Happy Gaming!




Written by fccadoni

microblog for football manager game

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