Youth Quality

2 min readJun 15, 2023


Hi there,

Long time to post something here. Few things have changed in my life; like moving to Sweden, everything is fine and going well.

This article aims to provide a simpler understanding of the youth quality of newgens. What factors influence it. Lets start.

Nation Factors

  • Game Importance
  • FA Financial Power
  • Economic Factor
  • State of Development
  • Youth Rating

There has been a heated debate about the Dynamic Youth Rating, in Football Manager 2021 and how this feature works. People have been misinformed by various sources that the Youth Rating is driving the race for better youth quality newgens, but this is far from the truth. So, SI decided to clear up a few things.

Nation Factors for Newgens

Club Factors

  • Youth Facilities
  • Youth Coaches
  • Youth Recruitment
  • Youth Importance

The good news here, is that you can influence the Youth Facilities, Youth Coaches and Youth Recruitment by asking the board to increase these areas. For Youth Importance, not very sure; but in my head makes sense that the more players in the First XI (Senior) from academy through the years, the YI (Youth Importance) will increase. Not 100% sure about this.

Other Factors

  • League Reputation
  • Club Reputation
  • Head of Youth Development Ability (HoYD)
  • HoYD & Youth Coach Personality
  • HoYD Preferred Formation

About HoYD & Youth Coach Personality, you can watch an excellent video from Bustthenet.

As for HoYD Preferred Formation, I think it’s pretty clear. If you play 433 DM Wide, you want to produce players in those positions and not in MR or ML or AMC. Note: Player Position has an impact on player performance.

That’s all! GG

